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"Despite its large size, the 6.5x15 Beier has a lot of versatility. It can be tuned tight to get a powerful “pop” but with a lower and fatter tone than you’d get from a 13" or 14" drum at the same tension. Microphones loved this drum; I didn’t need to crank the high-end EQ to increase its presence at lower tunings, and it had a lot of power that could easily project backbeats all the way to the back of the room. For those of you looking for larger-than-life snare tones, get yourself one of Beier’s steel beasts"....(Modern Drummer-February 2018)
Mike Dawson
Shane Gamble, Managing Editor-
Modern Drummer Magazine
BEIER DRUMS-114 Fowler St., Oconomowoc, WI 53066 262.560.6208
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